I assume music composition as a continous search for expression and connection with that which gives a sense of transcendence, and that cannot be communicated by other means. Some of the relevant works produced in recent years can be heard in the following links and videos:
Impressions at the UAM-I:
Work for piano + sound landscape
For the XV Anniversary of the Metropolitan Autonomous University UAM-Iztapalapa, Mexico.
Selected for the contest I live the UAM-I” contest, November 2014.
Bagatela for María:
Work for guitar.
Premiere at the VIII Festival of Composers for Guitar Pa’lo Escrito, 2013.
National School of Music of the UNAM, Mexico City.

Stabat Mater:
Electroacoustic work
Composer of the Year Award by the Association of Composers and Musical Authors of Costa Rica, 2012.
Full work available in:

Par un Chemin:
Electroacoustic work
Nominee for Composer of the Year Award by the Association of Composers and Musical Authors of Costa Rica, 2013.
Full work available in:
Electroacoustic work.
Premiered at the UMBC’s Livewire Music Festival, USA, 2011.
Two Moments (Tribute to Franz Jägerstätter):
Work for piano
First Movement: Incertidumbre
Two Moments (Tribute to Franz Jägerstätter):
Work for piano
Second movement: Certeza